Boys and Girls

What is it about women, that everytime you are done talking to them, you are more confused about them than when you went into the conversation. It does not matter if they are a friend, girlfriend, employer, employee, or enemy. You never know where you stand with them. One minute they are treating you like you are a god, and the next you are a dog. Men have always worshipped women. Freud thought that every thought in men's minds was of direct result of them. In one small religion that oh so few people are followers of, women are the reason for original sin and the reason we are all supposedly born into sin and must repent for it through out our lives. Yet, we still worship them. Think about that a moment, if you happen to be one of the only few billion Christians out there, you do everything for that which cast you out of Eden. That's a little off! We buy big cars that are shiny so that they will see us. We make big salaries so that we can buy the shiny car and a castle fit for a queen, not a king. The king only needs some beer and a lazy-boy. It's the queen that we get the clothes for (You don't see many happy homeless couples, do you?). They are our religion. Their bodies our temples. Where we go to worship love. I myself don't get to church that often lately. Not even confession, whatever that would be in this vague metaphor. I'm not an aetheist in all of this. I worship women just like all of you. I just wish I could understand their intentions and their actions. Why do these women, the gods of love and security control our beings with such a tight grip. Can't we break free... No, we don't want to break free. If their was no god in our life, then we would be alone in the world and thats why we have gods in the first place. Why do women work in mysterious ways.