Project Redlight?

Project Greenlight is now over. Feast is the name of the film they have made. It is such a stupid name for a movie. But, it does look good. It is supposed to be a Evil Dead thing. That whole comedy horror mix, which is pretty hard to pull off. The Film will probably get a wide theatrical release. Likely in the fall. If not it will be in the art houses, or straight to dvd, like the Olsen twins. Kevin Smith was present at one of the screenings and was favorable upon it. Though he isn't really a genius critic of style and acting, he does make good movies still. If you see it coming out in any medium, I implore you to see it. Not because I am sure it will be a great movie, it won't be winning oscars. But, if enough people see it, than there could be another season of the show on some network. I say "some network" because the ratings were very low on Bravo. I mean, did you see it? No. It is what is called a critic's darling, which means that nobody who matters watches it. If there is another Project Greenlight, then there will be another contest for screenwriters and directors, which is a good thing for many people. There is not really anything on television or on the internet like this going on. Not nearly this high profile anyway. So see it.