Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Why is it that people will inherently let you down. We would all seem to be hypocrites. They say They will do something for you and then because it is no longer beneficial to Them, They will leave you in the lurch you. No one really cares about anyone else. Suppose to help someone move, time comes and you don't feel like it, fuck'em. Suppose to call someone on a certain day or time, time comes and you've got better things to do, fuck'em. Someone asks you to take care of something for them, you lose it, it wasn't that important, fuck'em. People are selfishly self serving. When you get left by someone or ditched or ignored. You feel worthless. Then people go and say "Oh, no, don't feel bad, forget them, your not worthless". But, Yes! You are worthless, worthless to the person who didn't have time for you. Then you might say, "Why do you care what they think?" Good question, I cared what they thought and how they felt when I asked them to help me move/ take care of something for me/ see me/ call me/ kill me/ fuck me/ fuck me over. So now you would expect that denied person to just not care. No, that is just something people say to put a flesh colored bandage over a wound so that no one notices. If your not the kind of person that cares when you are made a toy of, then you should get into bondage and domination porn (gay B&D porn where applicable). When someone says they will do something for you and then ditches, forsakes, abandons, deserts you they are saying you, at that moment are worthless to them. You are without any worth to them. Money has worth to me only because of what it can get me. It seems that people are the same on that bit. I am only worth as much as I can do for you at that moment. In careers, in marriage, in prison, in sports, in school, in the supermarket, in life and in love. People keep you or I around because they want something from us now or think they will eventually. How useful are you to the people you see or talk to on a daily basis? I cannot do anything for anyone. My value is very low. What is your value?