You Are All Fags

-Strong feeling that they are "different" from other boys.
-A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.
-A strong preference to spend time in the company of girls and participate in their games and other pastimes.
-A tendency to walk, talk, dress, and even "think" effeminately
So, yeah, I listed only the ones that I displayed when I was a kid. Of course I always wanted to hang out with girls. The first time I fell in love was in kindergarten. Like me playing house with some girl is any different than what adults do. Only I think that the sex is better as an adult. "A tendency to be less athletic"? So, because I sucked so bad at baseball that the coach wouldn't put me in, I have to be gay now? Usually in children's baseball, the father complains when the coach won't put their kid in, my dad was the coach. Next, a strong feeling that they are "different" than other boys. Isn't that the entire concept of parenting since like WW2. Every kid is so special that at the end of the baseball season, everyone who even played get's a trophy. This everybody is special and deserves to be an astronaut or the president attitude is what makes them start crying all the time anyway. And it's these same parents that keep saying, "not my child" whenever they hear about a teen overdosing or killing half their classmates in a drunk car wreck or a misguided school shooting. Also, the roughhousing thing, so I don't like getting the shit kicked out of me and getting bruises. Those boys end up either, A) getting violent whenever drunk and beating their wife, which they probably date raped into submission the first time they ever went out, Or B) Killing some guy in a violent act of sexual confusion, ala American Beauty. Lastly, walking, talking or otherwise "thinking" effeminately. I like being clean. I like dressing at least somewhat well. I like washing my hands an inordinate number of times a day. I did wear skirts in high school at random, but that was a fashion thing. And it got me lots of girls and when you're both wearing skirts, there is no taking off of clothes needed for sex. And I like to moisturize, blow me. Gay or straight, it's actually something that I don't think has definate markers in childhood. When it comes down to it, if you are a guy, when you decide you want to have sex, if you like dick, your gay. If I could fall in love with a girl before even knowing what sex is, I can only assume that it would be the same for gay people.
Link to the land of no sanity, (the article).