Senator Bill Frist M.D. Takes The Hypocritic Oath

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist spoke on Thursday on legislation that would be passed on Friday to prevent people from suing gun maufacturers in the event that their product is used in a crime. Proponents say, "industry can't be held responsible for the actions of people who use their products illegally". I agree, unfortunately, I also agree that this is true of people who use technology to download illegal and copyrighted content on the internet. The DMCA has been used to sue technology companies who create things that can be used in illegal ways. Many of the same people who support this gun legislation have also publicly supported legislation to clarify that the DMCA can be used to sue tech companies for their own products uses. We also have the broadcast flag which is waving happily due to these same votes in the senate. Also this weekend, Frist has decided that he supports government funding of stem cell research. Everybody thinks he is so special because he is at odds with the president on this issue. In reality, he is against abortion and for the death penalty. So, to get this straight, he doesn't want you to get an abortion, but if you do by some chance do this, he wants your fetus. And, if you raise your fetus and it ends up killing other fetuses (fetuses? feti?), he wants to execute it. Culture of life indeed. I don't agree with the fact that apparently we all need guns to be secure. We could just be like Japan and not have any at all. We could all just use martial arts. Cause of death, flying crane kick. I support abortion and stem cell research, but, am conflicted on the death penalty. It seems like more than a penalty. I'm conflicted on some political issues, but not as badly as Bill Frist would seem to be.
Frist speaks on gun legislation
Senate passes gun legislation
Frist announces support of stem cell research