The Holy Land Is Tax Exempt Property

It's the Holy Land Experience. It is funded and operated by Zion's Hope, a Christian minisrty. They are "devoted to converting Jews to Christianity". In court a judge decided that Zion's Hope is using the Holy Land Experience "to spread what it consider's to be god's word". Therefore, no property taxes for a theme park. I gotta tell you this place looks like it would be a lot of fun. At first viewing of their website they explain all the great attractions you can see.
You "travel back in time and experience"...
"The passion and suffering of the Christ". Yes, whip me, beat me, crucify me.
"Qaboo the camel". Yeah, a camel.
"The bustling street market". Where you can by real Jesus clothes (made in China).
"The confrontation". Yes, now you to can be persecuted by those damn Jews.
"The ruggedness of the promised land". In case you didn't know already, Israel is all fucked up.
"The oppression of the romans". You know, whips again, lions, all the worst parts of the bible.
"The lovable animals". Yak petting zoo.
If all of this doesn't make you accept Jesus you fuckin' godless hethen, then the musical dance numbers will. Although if you go to the page for ticket prices, they have a "Jerusalem Gold Pass", only, it's spelled "Jersalem Gold Pass". I think this place is gonna be real popular with Jewish people.
The Holy Land Experience
Fla. Christian Theme Park Dodges Property Tax