The Phallus Of Freedom

The new design for the "Freedom Tower" is news. Not because it is actually being built. Because people are bitching. So I might as well join. It will have sixty-nine office floors. It has been redesigned to be strong enough to handle most "truck bombs". It has an air filtering system for chemicals and biological agents. It has also been designed with a dedicated firefighter staircase and "areas of refuge". Is this an office building or an economic bunker? I wouldn't want to work anywhere with "areas of refuge". Sure, it is better to be safe than sorry, but, this is a bit much I think. My real issue with this plan is the museum. It's supposed to be an "International Freedom Museum". This will include stuff about the nazis, the commies, the terrorists, and The War Of The Worlds. I have to be completely honest and say that I don't really want to walk into that place and see anything about the first World Trade Center. The last thing I want to see when I go inside a large building is video of the original ones falling down.
Notably rich bad combover man, Donald Trump has a better idea, of course he does. For such a small puckered fish faced mouth, he sure has a lot to say. He acutally went to all the trouble of designing the one that he wants. To his credit, he won't make a dime off of it. Actually he will lose some, that pretty little model he made had to set him back five or six bucks in cardboard and glue. This tard wants to build the exact same Twin Towers all over again, but with one more floor, and it would be a bit stronger. For thirty years it was talked about how ugly those stupid things were. Now that idiot wants to put them right back. I think they also looked bad on the skyline of NYC. But, it should have been our choice as to whether they needed to be redesigned, not some nutbar psycho with a pretend religious idea of authority.
All this is pointless. In the end they are going to build something under-sentimental and over-political. The only thing we have to look forward to is all the media capitalizing on the process. For the next ten years there are going to be enough documentaries about the building of it to choke 19 plane highjackers, or more. There are going to be models you can buy and build yourself much faster than they will. We will see at least one teamsters issue involving the mob. At least one fraud case is just totally fuckin' guaranteed. And in the end of course there will be "The Freedom Tower Memorial Dildo".