The Brain That Woudn't Die

America's favorite vegetable returns to the news for a big budget summer sequel. The autopsy and post mortem investigation of Terri Schiavo is out. In a statement made by the medical examiner Jon Thogmartin (silly name) "removal of her feeding tube would have resulted in her death whether she was fed or hydrated by mouth or not". All those idiots that were arrested walking into the hospital with a cup of water for their own selfish political reasons had no real value whatsoever. "The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain," Thogmartin said. "This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons," he added. He went further by informing that the vision centers of her brain were dead. She was blind. This is actually funny because Senator Bill Frist, in an address on the senate floor, spoke of her persistent vegetative state. "I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office," he continued, "she certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli." Frist was a heart surgeon before turning pro as a crazy person and becoming the Senate Majority Leader. This guy just seems more stupid and crazy by the day. At the time many republicans, well, all of them, argued that it was essentially against God and her right to live if doctors were to remove her feeding tube. Of course there was no talk of the fact that if she had never been given the feeding tube in the first place, she would have died already. Maybe that was God's will. You can't use science to try to cure diseases through stem cell research, but, you can to artificially keep someone alive after they would have died naturally? Naturally being the key there.
I used that much younger picture of her for a few reasons. First the newer ones are ugly, and I want to try to retain some aesthetic value here. Secondarily, she was hot. I would have totally slept with her. Don't sit there and say "don't speak ill of the dead". I am not speaking "ill" of the dead, if first, I would have only slept with her when she was alive during the above time. And second, because the sex would have been good. Most news outlets used the newer ones, with one exception. Fox News only showed us what she looked like currently when they were showing the video that made it look as if she is actually conscious. Other than that, you would only see the younger more attractive ones. Why? Because, America only wants to save attractive people. And Fox News wants what republican americans "white christians" "who sodomize sheep and drink piss straight from the cock" want.
MSNBC article on autopsy results
MSNBC article on Frist's comments on the senate floor
Daily Kos article on the above