Intel Inside?

Time for some deep blue calculator in the pocket protector geekery. I am ironically watching Revenge of the Nerds 2 right now. After 2007 there will never be another reason to buy a computer that does not have the above logo on it. Why? Because after that, all Apple computers will have an Intel logo on them too. Until now, all Apple computers have used the Power PC chip in them. But it's just too fucking slow. There can be no Powerbook G5, unless you only expect to run it for one hour per charge. And no where near your lap, if you expect to be able to have kids afterwards. At the World Wide Developers Conference this was announced by a special Steve Jobs keynote address (Yes, I watched the entire 1 hour presentation, geekery, like I said). After explaining how difficult it would be for all the Mac programs to be ported to use on an Intel chip. He then revealed that "Mac OS X has been living a double life for 5 years", the entire time they have been making it so that they have versions of all the operating systems that can run on the Intel chip, "just in case". He then revealed even further that the entire presentation (which is always run directly on the Mac he uses on stage to show of their new shit), was indeed an Intel Macintosh. Beginning in mid 2006, Macintosh computers will begin shipping with Intel chips. 1 year from then, they will all be Intel Macs. They will be faster. They will be cheaper. And they will have bigger dicks. They won't be cheaper from the off, however, they will probably have to make up some of the money that this is going to cost them. They were the fastest growing computer company this year, so this is bound to slow them down for a bit. But, now when you go to the store to buy that new computer. In 2007 buy a Mac. Then you can just use both Windows and Mac OS X on it. However, if you buy a regular old PC, you cannot use the Mac OS X. This dipleased me at first. I was impotent for a short time. But then I bucked up when I realized I could just buy a better looking, more reliable, virus free computer. And then if I so desired, buy a copy of Windows and install it on there. But who wants to see a windows logo on the screen of a Mac? I shudder!
Cnet Article
Yahoo News Article
MSNBC Article
Watch The WWDC Steve Jobs Keynote Address