Krafty Fags

Ah, The American Family Association. You crazy little christians. First it was parking breaks that you had a problem with (look below). Now it's Kraft Foods that you wanna fuck in the ass. Kraft Foods contributed $25,000 to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. Now I gotta question what it is that the "Gay Games" entails. However, it's cool with me. I don't really like playing games. Not those, I am guessing anyway. The Crazy Christian Association is now warning them that support of something so gay as that would be "dangerous". What will they think of next? No, really, where the hell do you go from here, boycotting the Catholic Church for wearing such gay outfits? Or, boycotting Jesus for wearing a dress, or, banning gay marriage while watching Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire? Oh, well, wait.