So Much Blue, So Little Green!

This a transversal slice of the Abqaiq oilfield in Saudi Arabia. One of the world's major oilfields. The blue is water which is pumped in to push the oil up. The oil being represented in green. The red is the gas cap of the oilfield. It would have likely been all red and green before pumping ever started. This is a perfect example of Peak Oil. Peak Oil (of the Hubbert Peak Theory as it is sometimes called) says that at some point with fossil fuels being finate, obviously, there will be a time which is the peak of oilfield production and after that killer cyborgs will take over the earth. No, wait, after we have reached the peak, we all fall down. Like a rollercoaster, with about the same comparitive speed. With population growth and increased global economic prosperity the amount of oil will drop much sooner than it took to get to the peak. This peak year can only be known after it has passed. The most influential organization researching this believes that the latest possible time this peak will be reached is 2007. Who disputes this? The United States Geological Survey does. Well, they are pretty big, maybe we should trust the USGS. OPEC even disagrees with them. Fucking OPEC. It is known that they even over estimate their production levels to avoid critics and lack of investment. That picture is fucking real. What is worse is that the picture is over a year old. The fact is that oil is going to run the fuck out. After that, Mad Max becomes a documentary.
Peak Oil article
The Wikipedia Peak Oil Article
Oil Drum Article