London 7/7

That is what they are calling it. If you haven't already heard about this, then your Natalee Hollaway. Four separate bombings during rush hour. One bus and three London Underground trains. The tube and all city transit completely shut down. The current death toll is 37. This is the most disturbing thing to happen in London since the rise of the Spice Girls. London has not seen this much destruction since the blitzkrieg of the nazi's (those fucks). As usual, the immediate reaction is that it is the fault electrical surge? Yeah, that's what they originally thought at like 3:00 A.M. our time. Eventually they turned their brains on and realized it was an act of terrorism. Gay as terrorism. Fucking terrorists, always the fucking terrorists. But, which ones? Usually it's the IRA. But, for some reason nobody thinks they would pull this kinda thing off. Also, some internet site is claiming that they did it. They are calling themselves the Secret Group of Al Qaida's Jihad in Europe. What a stupid fucking name. I mean come on, if your gonna pull something like this off, can't you get a better name than that. Besides, if you plaster your shit all over a web site for all the electronic world to see, it's not SECRET! And what's with the whole "in Europe" thing? What, are you fuckers regional? Where's the web site for the Secret Group of Al Qaida's Jihad in Canada? Or New Zealand? Or America for that matter. And what do these dinks hope to accomplish? Do they think that England is just gonna jump ship on Iraq. These guys had their entire city leveled by The Nazis, the fucking nazis. The nazis took over half the globe (including almost Al Qaida's hometown), and the English (with our help) still beat them back. No matter how hard these guys try, they will never match up to the nazi's in the evil department. It is gonna take alot more buses (even if they are the double decker kind) and way more subway cars. Not to mention some major mass genocide. I am sorry, but, the only people that could do that kind of evil shit again are the Germans themselves. They do start every damn world war. Terrorism doesn't work with really powerful nations. A nation powerful enough to take over your half of a continent doesn't become terrified. Terror only works on those who have little. Besides all that shit, I think the IRA is really pissed about being shown up. And if there is any hard core terrorism group you don't want to piss off, it's the IRA. Bush couldn't find his ass if it wasn't his own head. Now you've got the smart one pissed off at you to. One has the guns, the other has the brains. And between the IRA and our own homegrown crazy hillbilly gun waving inbred fuckers, your screwed. You've got angry evangelists, gun toting catholics, pissed off protestants and C of E british and they all hate your god. Seriously, you can't win.