Caged Beat

Alright, that title is a bad pun, but I just had to put it to this picture. The tour is over and Seraphim Shock is in prison. Apparently you can't do that to a goat using a midget wearing an eye patch. Wrecked'em? Damn near killed'em. I will put up a ton of more pictures and captions and a sorta diary thingy (though I just said diary, I am in fact a straight man). But for now I want to be able to put something up here that isn't Seraphim Schlock related. So I just thought I would post this as a cumming attraction. So stay tuned kittens for the exciting conclusion of the Tour De Forced Rear Entry that was the 2005 Seraphim Shock American "13 Dates To Kill For (Well, Except New Orleans, They Kept The Number Because It Sounds Cooler) White Trash Satan Tour". That's a mouthful, unlike certain band members who shall remain anonymous.