New Orleans Lives On In The Hearts Of.........Sluts And Drunks

Since day one of the hurricane aftermath orgy of disorder and dehydration. Isn't it ironic that death by dehydration always occurs near tons of water (New Orleans hurricane, middle of the ocean, on ecstasy on the dancefloor etc.)? A few bars, most notably Johnny White's, have been open for business. After a long day of crying over the remains of your house and looting your neighbors, if for no other reason, than because it's still there and yours isn't, you just kinda need a fuckin' drink. Well, Johnny White's is there for you. My friend has this band, they had to cancel their date in New Orleans on their next tour for obvious reasons. I suggested that they still go, use the generators available, and play at or outside of that bar. This idea was met with a look that said simply, "you can't be serious". I still think it's a good idea. It's good exposure. And, most importantly, it's Rock 'N' Roll. That is the point of Rock. Going where your not supposed to, and rocking. The water would recede with the power of rock. That red sea shit would have been much more believable if Jesus had a Fender. But, no, New Orleans will not be rocked. Because I am clearly an idiot for having such an idea. It would have been cool. But, I am getting off point here. There was one other thing I wanted to mention, the slutty part. One of the many people not leaving New Orleans just yet has found a way to get the police to patrol her block regularly. She flashes her pair when they drive by. The article refers to her as Ms. Hall at one point. Women who flash their breasts to strangers should never be spoken of in a formal sense. Thanks to the slutty woman and the drunks, the town will still not lose that whole "kinda cool, kinda dirty" thing it has had going on for so long.
The Bar Is Still OpenMs. Hall, Are You Trying To Seduce Me?