Choose Sex

Across the pond they are thinking of reforming laws that currently prevent you from choosing the sex of your brand new baby. So now when going to the fertility clinic, you get to choose. I don't like it. This sounds like a bad idea. I don't know if this thing is legal or not in America. That would take research and I'm not a journalist. The law itself makes no difference to me anyway. It is the idea of being able to decide the future gender of your baby I don't like. I am all for using genetics to create a super intelligent super hot human race. Not in a nazi way. Just intelligence and hotness. We have to keep all the different races of people. That way I will still get some variety in women to date. They way we are having sex, we'll all be the same soon enough anyway. I wish it would have happened sooner though. That way I could have been likely born with a nice permanent tan. But alas, I must tan the old fashioned way. But I am getting off point. If people can choose the sex of their child, this really gonna fuck the world up. You see, in a relationship where the man is the dominant guys guy type of dude, he will want boys, lotsa boys. Firstly because he wants to raise men like him. Assholes. These are the types of guys that I hate. These are the kinda men that I got into daily fights with in high school. The future school shooting numbers alone are prohibitive. Secondly, no man wants to raise a girl. Unless he is gay. Every straight man has to face the fact that his daughter is one day going to be spread open by another man. No guy likes the idea of that. The opposite is true of women. A relationship where the woman is the more powerful force will produce more girls. Not the good kind either. They will be control freaks. They will have built in daddy issues because daddy was a pussy. These are the types of girls that almost hit you in the grocery parking lot and then smile innocently while laughing at your required dismissal of the situation. They will grow up to be the teenage controlling force of their home. They will all read Teen Vogue while seeing what color of tank top to wear with the same tight fitting jeans they are always wearing. They all look the same. And all girls are blonde now. What the fuck is that about? I don't have a problem with blondes, but this is getting silly. At any rate, the article claims that they will put into place, laws that require you to have a certain number of boys or girls to prevent such things from occuring. That will last no more than two years. When people want freedom, they tend to demand total freedom. And besides, that sounds a bit communist China to me. I happen to believe in the concept of population control to a degree. I also happen to be alone in this as I have realized. I guess the entire advancement of science and bio-engineering thing will help us as a nation have a nice little ethics war. That I am totally down for. We already have some very prominent republicans (Reagan's lady and Frist) changing their minds. I guess the advancement just has to be personalized. Like, pa is gonna die unless I can have your fetus's stem cells.
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