That Bitch Lied To Me!

Oh, Newsweek, you redheaded stepchild of TIME Magazine. First they say that officials at Gitmo (stupid name) are defacing the Quran to rattle the detainees. Now today they retract the story saying that the sources could not confirm the report. The interesting thing is that now Rummie, Condi, Sneezy and Dopey are freaking out about people being killed during this weekend's violence in Afghanistan. They attribute it to the article. There is no proof that the violence is linked to the protests against the idea that the Guantanamo Bay interrogators were flushing the Quran down the toilet to get information from their prisoners. The thing is that the White House has had the information on this article long before we did. They said nothing, they never said "Uh, you might want to take this bit out, cuz, it aint true". A similar thing happened when the whole Dan Rather debacle occured, they never said it was bullshit until the american public questioned it. They seem to have the tendency to just let a story go to print about them, just to see how it plays to the public, then react however they feel will be beneficial to themselves. Or, a more popular theory is that they are purposely playing the media and making them out to be clowns. Then the Republicans can come on every form of media in existence and rail against the liberal media being out to get them. Let it be said that I dont agree with the United States detaining people in places that are outside the Geneva Convention's reach, just so we can fuck with them in more creative ways. However, I dont really see the problem with fucking around with a guys religion when you want information from them. If a Christian was there and you wanted to put an upside down cross in his cell, all you are doing is insulting his religious superstitions to get a rise out of him. Why do you have to be so sensitive to a prisoners religion. When they die we don't even respect their burial rituals. So why does it have to be so different for the living. I mean it isn't as if they are leading them around on leashes and having them make naked cheerleader pyramids.