Is This What You Want?

According to Playgirl Magazine. No, I don't read it. It has been determined that women are after men with chest hair, very little money, and love handles. "Metrosexuals are also out", women want men who are "rough around the edges". Playgirl is so convinced of their little reader poll that they are now searching for a new model to exemplify this. So if you happen to be a pathetic slob, your apparently a sexy bitch now. I don't put too much trust in the kinds of people that read Playgirl Magazine. They can't exactly be as hot as the girls in Playboy or else they would be having sex with those men instead of looking at them on glossy paper. But, if it is on the real, I won't be dating for a while. I don't have the ability to get love handles. I don't think that I am "rough around the edges". I don't actually understand the concept. I like bathing. I like grooming. I like working out for the sake of itself. I don't like fast food. I don't like pork, especially when you fry it and put it in a bag and sell it on the basis of eating it with beer and football. Go ahead and get the fat man. You'll come around once he starts cheating on you with big screen football at Hooters then comes home and beats you for being present. Then you'll want a guy that can spell chivalry. Apparently while I was laughing at Ricky Gervais in the office (top picture), women were getting off to him. Under this rule, he has to be like the sexiest man on television to women.
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